Buyers Good Italy Workshoop

Good Italy Workshop  
The main meeting place in Italy for Food&Wine Tourism.


Good Italy Workshop is an exclusive opportunity for international tour operators to live authentic Italian food experiences, know high quality productions, with a particular attention to the environmental sustainability.

3 Good reasons to join Good Italy Workshop 2024

  1. Intense day of face-to-face scheduled meetings
    Development of concrete and qualified business relations with high quality suppliers

  2. No waste of time
    Self-management of the meeting agenda to select the most interesting suppliers

  3. Bespoke Buyer Experience
    Including accommodation, transfer, famtrip, networking activities, as well as airfare/train credits.


Good Italy Workshop offers the not to be missed opportunity to match business with the pleasure to visit one of the great gastronomy districts in the world: Emilia-Romagna, the land where good food, good wines and attention to the traditions have always been a peculiar aspect of the local lifestyle.

Who is Good Italy Workshop for?

International tour operators inspired by italian food & wine, interested in developing themed programs and itineraries in Italy


  • Tour operator
  • Tour organiser
  • Mice
  • Event organiser
2023 Cena di Gala Palazzo Gotico Piacenza

Useful information

 Dates and deadlines 2024    

9 April  Registration Opening Day
9 July   Agenda Opening Day
2 September Registration deadline
9 September  Agenda Closing Day
1 October  Live Workshop 



Good Italy Workshop schedule


09.00 - 09.30 Event opening
09.30 - 13.30 Morning session workshop
13.30 - 14.30 Buffet lunch break 
14.30 - 16.30 Afternoon session workshop


How it works

  • Buyers sit at their desks
  • Suppliers move around to meet them according to the online pre-arranged agenda
  • Each meeting lasts 20 minutes
  • Buyers receive the catalogue, name badge and an updated copy of the Meeting Agenda
  • Coffee station is available during the whole workshop